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From the Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

28 March 2024


As we conclude the recent NAPLAN testing period, I wish to express my appreciation for the support and encouragement from parents and caregivers throughout this process. Your involvement plays a crucial role in your child’s academic journey, so for those parents and caregivers who encouraged their child to come prepared with their materials and charged laptop, we send our thanks. Beyond the scores themselves, the NAPLAN experience offers valuable insights into your child’s strengths and areas for growth. It provides the College with a comprehensive snapshot of your child’s literacy and numeracy skills, enabling us to tailor our teaching approach to better support their individual needs.

As we await the results, I encourage you to engage in open dialogue with your child about their thoughts and feelings regarding NAPLAN. This discussion can help alleviate any stress or anxiety they may have experienced and foster a positive attitude towards future academic challenges.


Recently, I had the opportunity to visit staff and students at the Good Samaritan Campus, our 100 year old outdoor education facility on Gulidjan and Gadubanud land in Coragulac (near Colac). I felt incredibly inspired by the students and staff, challenged to grow in self and with others, as well as learning about their new environment.

Outdoor education is an invaluable part of your child’s learning journey at Ò»±¾µÀÎÞÂë Carr College. Through hands-on experiences in nature, they develop resilience, teamwork, and a deeper connection to the world around them.


On Wednesday 20 March, our Year 8, 9 and 10 students participated in PROSPER – a program to support and reinforce the social, emotional, spiritual, and academic skills taught in our Time to Shine Program. PROSPER stands for Positivity, Relationships, Outcomes, Strengths, Purpose, Engagement and Resilience. 

On this day, our students engaged with African Drumming as a cultural activity, they participated in activities by the Elevate Group to enhance their learning skills, and they engaged in workshops around good mental health led by our Wellbeing Team. In between, they had the opportunity to connect with their classmates and deepen their commitment to building community and enhancing their learning journey.


Term 1 progress reports will be available for families to access from Thursday 28 March. Please see the communication via Operoo with instructions on how to access your child’s progress report.

Finally, I wish to send a warm thank you to all families for their continued support of your child and their learning. I wish you all a restful break. May this Easter period bring you quiet reflection in this solemn and significant time in our calendar, but ultimately wonderful family celebrations.

Damian Bernardo
Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching